Posts Tagged ‘welovefun’

Alright so listen up folks, I know the blog has been dead for quite some time. Some of that has been due to my lack of a serviceable laptop, some of it has to do with the fact that I was working literally all the time for a solid 6 months, but mostly its because I got lazy and drink all the time. But now that I am newly 26 years old, I am officially an adult who pays for his own life insurance (which sucks) and have very recently decided maybe its time to get some shit in my life in some kind of order. One of my first grown up, big boy, adult decisions was to finally start pursuing a dream of mine that I’ve had for quite some time, and that is to be a TV/radio personality. But, since its 2016 and the radio is basically as dead as this blog is, and I have red hair and that creeps people out so TV is out of the window, that left me with one option. Podcasts. I never really got into Podcasts until Serial first came out last year, and then I discovered all the Barstool Podcasts, and anyone who knows me knows that I am a big Stoolie, so naturally I got super into those. And when I realized Podcasting was the new big thing, I started just listening to all types of different shit studying up on what works and what doesn’t. Initially, I wanted to start one with my wonderful co-owner of this once flourishing website, the asshole himself, Mr. Sniper, but seeing as he lives in Portland now, and I am in Austin, that makes it a little tougher than if we were in the same city. Long story short, that Podcast is in the works and we have done a couple dry run throughs and its going to be fucking gold once I get all the equipment set up in my apartment so the sound quality doesn’t sound like shit. However, flashback about a month and a half ago, I told a goofball of a character I work with about my Podcasting aspirations, and he immediately hopped on board and said he wanted to start one with me. A few days later, he bought a mic on his own and showed up at my apartment and basically said look were doing this whether you’re ready or you aren’t. And with that, “Einstein’s Kryptonite” was born. Basically its me, my roommate/co-worker/friend, Computer Guy, and the host who is also a co-worker/friend but not a roommate, Kowboy. This is the first episode that we recorded, and as of today we have 4 total with the 5th one being mastered as we speak. So I’m going to throw these up on this blog since we already have an established and remarkably loyal fan base considering how inconsistent me and the asshole have been over the last 5 years or however fucking long ago we started this. So shout out to you guys, every time I hop on here just to look at stats for poo-poo’s and ha-ha’s, I am shocked we still get as many daily views as we do. So thanks to y’all, you are very appreciated, and I hope you like this new direction I’ve taken in life since I am a grownup and all now. So give us a listen, tell your friends about us, tell your family about us, tell your pets about us, tell your enemies about us, tell Jesus about us when you pray at night if that’s the kind of thing you’re into. We release one episode a week, usually somewhere around an hour or so, which is perfect for a lot of people’s commute to and from work, and it makes for great distraction while you’re in the office and want to talk yourself off the ledge, just make sure you put headphones in or else your co-workers will think you are as fucked as we are and you might have to answer to HR or maybe even get fired. Consider yourself forewarned. And be on the lookout for “Exceptionally Mediocre”, which will soon be out there on the internets and you guys can get back to enjoying the banter between me and Mr. Sniper. But in the mean time, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, “Einsteins Kryptonite: Episode Uno”


In honor of the absolute scumbag of a best friend I have crawling out of his internet cave and gracing us all with his presence today, it looks like it’s time to get this shit going again. As the asshole aforementioned, I have since relocated from Kent, Connecticut aka Narnia to the lovely city of Austin, Texas. Not fucking New Mexico. It was a hell of a road trip and now I find myself sitting on my friends couch down here in Austin watching Wolf of Wall Street for the first time ever, watching Leo live like an absolute animal making money hand over first and all I can ask myself is why the fuck don’t I keep up with the blog that I started over 3 years ago. And I can’t help but think WeLoveFun is my Stratton Oakmont. I have a following here. I have a family. I have a responsibility to provide you fuckers with some hilarity, some real hip hop, some news, and some fucking sports. So that’s what I’m going to do. And this time it actually seems like the asshole is on board with me, which is great news because when we’re both in full swing, this beautiful thing we have going is at its best. So without further adieu, let’s get into some fucking shenanigans

Good Morning.

Posted: May 5, 2014 by woody in Fun
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That should pretty much do it folks. My apologies for my extended leave of absence. It was a long, cold, snowy, shitty, miserable, depressing winter. Pretty tough to love fun under those conditions. But on today, the cinco-est of mayo’s, we can not only celebrate the little bit of Mexican we all have in us, but the return of your favorite entertaining/time-wasting site. Let the games begin.